The Primary Cause of Vaccine Hesitancy

For decades I have trusted my personal doctor. When he told me I needed a certain prescription, I got it filled and took it. He always informed me of the possible side effects and helped me understand the risks vs. benefits.

If it had only been my personal doctor advising me to get the COVID-19 vaccine I would have taken it months ago, even if I had to pay for it.

The major factor that caused my hesitancy and doubt about it was the aggressive government coercion and corporate compulsion to force people into taking it. The United States government has been so duplicitous and caught lying to its citizens so much that it lost all credibility with me long ago. When I finally gave in to my doctor’s advice a few weeks ago and got the first jab it was in spite of, not because of, government persuasion attempts.

IF (and I don’t know if it is, it could be the seed to a massive catastrophe) universal vaccine acceptance is truly the solution then the United States government (including the establishment politicians of both parties) is directly culpable for the deaths, economic destruction, and continuing heartache due to its proven track record of propaganda and dishonesty.

I suspect much of the vaccine hesitancy would be non-existent if the United States government had been silent and let our doctors be the sole advisors regarding our individual risks and benefits related to prevention and treatment.

Remember, this is the government that created a massive health crisis by blaming fat instead of sugar, by pushing an HIV vaccine that ended up not working and actually killing many people, published food pyramid charts that have been proven to be the worst nutrition advice ever, all because of special interest lobbies from the sugar industry, big pharma, and breakfast cereal corporations.

I wonder how many of you feel the same way and would be more prone to get the jab if the government and employers weren’t pressuring and coercing people into it?

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