Theories of Critical Racists

We don’t fix floods by berating people who drink water.

We don’t beat tigers and bears in the zoo whose ancestors and wild relatives are man eaters to keep people from being attacked by rogue tigers and bears.

But when it comes to the perception of racism, the current popular thought is to blame a single ethnic group for what their ancestors did. Current living members of that group are targeted with derision and guilt, even by many in their own ethnicity. Ancestral guilt is loaded upon them along with demands that opportunity be reduced for that historically privileged group to reduce their success to a level of “equity” that matches other ethnic groups.

The result is resistance, anger, and mental disorders resulting from people assuming guilt on behalf of their ancestors. For every one that rolls over and submits, ten become angry and justifiably combative over the misdirected blame and attacks. In consequence, more energy is driven into racism.

As the attacks on the “privileged” in the guise of anti-racism ramp up, so does the growth of previously declining groups in the white nationalist culture. They point to attempts to deflate opportunity for a singled out group of people and say, “See, we’ve told you all along that this would happen! They’re trying to destroy the white race!” While that is a heinous misconception, the actions of those pushing critical race theory and similar ancestral guilt concepts contribute to the fear and frustration of people who don’t know better.

Just as threats by authoritarian politicians to enact more gun control always results in massive historic new peaks for gun and ammunition sales, the current attempts to combat racism through Critical Race Theory and “equity” fuels more racism.

For many decades we’ve been on the path of steadily declining racism. In recent years, the issue of racism has been promoted and inflamed by politicians, mainstream media, and social media platforms due to its attractiveness as a moral and just cause.

If there is one thing that the vast majority of Americans agree on, it’s that racism is immoral and a danger to society. So it is obviously a topic that every politician wants to strategically leverage.

As a political football, the problem of racism is ideal for engaging and polarizing voters. The establishment does not want racism defeated. They need the topic of racism as a valuable tool to justify the tax money they can generate and redistribute through special programs to cronies.

When is the last time you personally met someone who was a racist? Today? Yesterday? A Decade ago? The media and many politicians and bureaucrats keep telling us that there are millions of racists among us. Does your reality and the true definition of racism match that perception?

You don’t need to systemically burn children’s subconscious with daily reminders that some of their ancestors were horrible slave owners and bigots to combat racism. You don’t need to instill guilt in them for being born caucasian into a world that some claim was designed to give them instant prosperity and wealth because of their skin color. Try asking anyone who drives a nice car or owns a nice home how they got them. If the vast majority respond by saying they inherited those from their rich white parents, then maybe there is something to critical race theory. But if the vast majority tell you how hard they had to work and the good decisions they made to achieve those things, perhaps there isn’t much substance in ancestral guilt theology.

What we should do is teach children the truth: That we live in a nation where everyone has the opportunity to succeed through logic and hard work, that we are equal as human beings, and sheer luck often plays a role. That there are people in every ethnic group who are geniuses, while there are also people in every ethnic group who are dull-witted. And that racism is immoral, illogical and needs to be defeated without implementing more racism. This is a classic case where fighting fire with fire results in more fire.

As long as you attempt to combat racism by using racist tactics of targeting one group with blame and shame, racism will remain and flourish, and people of every ethnicity will become racists.

If the vast majority of us agree that it is wrong to judge people by their ethnicity, ancestry, or things that they have never had control over, and stop blaming those who live in the present for what the long deceased may or may not have done, we will eradicate racism once and for all.

All humans are creatures of equal worth to our Creator, and we should see them the same way.

6 thoughts on “Theories of Critical Racists

  1. Great article. Only one “sloppy” reply. Thomas Sowell’s Vision of the Anointed is an excellent history of how and why things came to be concerning the condition of our black communities. What was happening prior to LBJ’s destruction of the black family is well discussed.
    There is no systemic racism in America. If there is, the fault would lie with the left-as they are the idiots controlling academia, government, Hollywood, and the media.

      1. He is! He’s a national treasure. I believe I have every one of his books-including Basic Economics.

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