Tyranny of Special Districts
Special districts are the most fundamentally communist government entities in the United States. Chief among these are school districts. As the foundational institutions for education and cultural conditioning of our youth, we have astonishingly made a central planning authoritarian system the conerstone of American society.
If you believe that communism is a beneficial, efficient, and successful means of social progress, by all means keep supporting your public school districts and don’t complain that you are taxed under threat of force, required by law to send your children there unless you have the wealth and/or time and ability to home school or enroll in private school.
Society’s elite, wealthy, and powerful have the choice of sending their children to private schools. Meanwhile, most of the middle class and all of the impoverished are forced to enroll their children in public schools, and even if they home school are still forced to pay financial tribute to their local school district.
This is as blatantly Marxist as any system can be, yet most Americans believe our public school systems to be a beacon of excellence among the world’s educational systems.
It is by far the greatest con ever achieved by the socialist, Marxist, and progressive enemies of individual liberty and individual responsibility.
School vouchers / school choice is the first step, but ultimately a complete dismantling of the special district systems is the only way to reverse our descent into a full authoritarian central planning and control society.